Saturday 6 November 2010

Building Bridges Through The Power Of Dhun

Like many cultures and religions, music plays a huge part within Hindu Dharma. Bhajans, aarti, sangeet and even entire scriptures are based around the power of music. In fact, the Bhagavad Gita, which means the ‘Divine Song’, was technically sung by Lord Krsna. So powerful is the beauty of music that when it brings together people from all backgrounds, of all ages, of all creeds, it simply cannot be overlooked.
On Tuesday 14th September 2010 at 8pm, Sadhguru Sewa Samiti, or SSS, begun what would be a truly amazing and inspiring adventure through non-stop 108 hours Ram Dhun. The word ‘Dhun’ literally means ‘tune’, and a Ram Dhun is the singing of ‘Shree Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram’ to different tunes. Very simple, yet incredibly powerful. The event took place at Slough Mandir, and for 6 days the doors of the mandir remained open for people from all across the UK to observe, take part and feel the incredible and inspiring power of Ram Dhun. 3 meals a day was provided and cooked by families, and there was the pleasant 3am chilli paneer surprise for those who were on night duties! This wasn’t the first time the group had organised such an event. Over the past few years independently they have had a 72 hour dhun, and they have helped NHSF emphatically with 12 hour Ram Dhun and Hanuman Chalisas in the north and central region of the UK. Each time they have been present, they have encouraged all the youth to get involved in singing, helping many students to open themselves up and really demonstrate how dhun has a place in all of our hearts. This time it was no different. People of all ages were singing together, in fact, at one point at 4am on Saturday morning, an elderly gentleman was out-doing the youth by singing non-stop for 3 hours!
The event took 9 months to organise, and involved countless meetings, e-mails and phone calls. There was even a timetable for each member with sleeping plans and other various duties.
SSS comprises of Hindus who all have one common goal – to build bridges through the power of love. Lord Hanuman and his army of Vaanars, through the sheer prem or love of Lord Ram, helped build the bridge to Lanka so that Lord Ram could save Sita Maa. Many of the group are aged from 15 to 30, and are ardent followers of Lord Hanuman. They come from all parts of the UK and aim to unite people from all backgrounds, which they do so with great success.
On behalf of NHSF, I would like to thank SSS for their dedication and commitment toward inspiring Hindu youth all over the UK and for selflessly supporting NHSF in all that we do. With that all I can say is:
Shree Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram!

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