Friday 29 August 2008

What is the point?

Religion. Most people have one, most of them believe in it, most of them practice it.

It is said to be the cause of all war's. True to a certain degree. Where does it begin? With those that take their religion a little too far.

Now I'm not one to say that we shouldn't take religion seriously, because I'm an active Hindu. But when people start formulating their own idea's of certain texts and aspects of faith, without full knowledge and background, that's when, as the saying goes, "shit gets messy". A prime example of "shit getting messy" is on a particular Facebook group; "The Sick Truth About Hinduism"; where the admins of the group appear to be of the Sikh faith, and are spreading malicious rumours about Hindu rituals and pastimes. Now cleverly they have created a reference list to show where their information has been obtained from, but upon closer research I found that all of the discussions and topics have been taken from an Anti-Hindu website, which is run by those of the Muslim faith.

Subsequently, I let the group know that I'm fully aware of where the information is from, and that I'm fully aware of the truth that the Administrators of the group are not of the Sikh faith, but are followers of Islam. When a certain "Gulab Singh" (which is the name of a Sikh freedom fighter, and the first Maharaj of Jammu & Kashmir) read my comments, I was blocked from posting any more messages.

Now, I have no problems with people who want to discuss issues related to Hinduism, however controversial, but when people can't handle arguments against their own and go off on a tangent, that's when it gets irritating. Especially since I have been blocked from making any comments, it shows the blatent cowardice of those opposed to my views. If you can't stand the heat, you better get out the kitchen is probably the best way to put it.

What I'm trying to get at in essence, is that if people are willing to start such a controversial issue, and truly believe what they saying is right, then understand what I say and argue against it. Excuse my language, but DON'T PUSSY OUT OF A DEBATE. I love debates, and have done since primary school (my first experience was when we re-enacted the House of Commons in year 5 with Miss Jackson - how many of my fellow Barley Lane companions remember that?). And I like to think that I keep an open and rational mind when it comes to such debates, but if the opposing party cannot reciprocate I ask you this- what is the point?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don't mind, and those that mind, don't matter"
~Dr Seuss

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