Thursday 28 August 2008

First and Foremost..

Well, I have now entered the world of the blogging. Before today.. I lie, before about half an hour ago, I hadn't the faintest idea what this blogging lark was all about. But after a quick fire search on the webs most reliable resource of information (aka Wikipedia), I have been "well informed" (if such a thing exists) on how this all works. And now I'm a blogger.

Where to start.. The beginning is always a good place, I suppose. The simple reason for me to start a blog is so I can share my thoughts with the world. Many of you are under the impression that my moments of silence are a sign of my connection with a certain Homer J. Simpson. How wrong you are (most of the time). No, I do not picture a monkey banging a pair of cymbals whilst doing back flips in my quiet times. Quite the contrary, in fact. My time is better spent understanding the deeper concepts of life, much of which will be honoured with a space on this blog.

But before I do move on to the nitty gritty, let me take a minute to explain the meaning of the blog.

The name of my "blog spot" is Chai Corner. "Chai", roughly translated, means Tea. Better yet, it is the name given to tea in Asian countries, which generally consists of milk, water, sugar and plenty of masala (herbs and spices). I love chai. I believe that a good cup of chai first thing in the morning (or any time of the day) will give you a boost, no matter what you have to do or what you have planned. The masala gives it that extra kick (for those of you who are interested to know more, feel free to join the Facebook group "The Indian Masala Tea Appreciation Society").

The name given to this particular blog space is "Pyar Vali Chai". Translated, this means "Tea made with Love", which is exactly what is required to make a good cuppa chai. It's not always about the ingredients that you physically use, but what goes in to the making of it.

Now that I've explained what this is all about, I'm going to let you carry on with your daily tasks. Chances are that nobody will really read this, but I don't care. It's a place for me to express myself and my views. If you happen to stumble across this blog, I hope that you do enjoy what is to come.

Each post will end with a quote or a picture, to clear out some of the cobwebs we have building upstairs. Today, I shall end with both.

Hari Aum Tat Sat

"We turn to God when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God who is shaking them" (Author Unknown)

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