Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Ayurveda - YOUR freedom, YOUR choice

For many, conventional Western medicine is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Over the last 5 years, more ethical, traditional and dharmic practices are becoming the norm. Believe it or not, this practice is not something new to the world – in fact, it is regarded as one the oldest forms of healthcare, otherwise known as Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is a form of complementary and alternative medicine currently available in the UK. The word Ayurveda stems from the Sanskrit ‘āyus’ meaning ‘life’ and ‘veda’ meaning ‘knowledge’, thus signifying the science as ‘life knowledge’. The origins of the medical practice come from the Charaka Samhita, which deals with internal medicine and Sushruta Samhita, which deals with the surgical aspect of medicine, both dating back 2000 years. The practice itself dates back at least 5000 years. In that time frame, the number of reported negative effects from Ayurvedic treatment is pretty close to zero.
As Hindus, Ayurveda has become instrumental in every day living – often our elders produce a remedy consisting of perfectly natural ingredients and they work better than conventional Western medicine. Not limited to just medicine, Yoga constitutes a large part of Ayurveda too. Yoga is extremely beneficial for ones health, and has caught on massively in the West.
Why, therefore, should British Parliament plan to ban a system that has proved beneficial for thousands if not millions of people? The European Union has proposed a ban on all Ayurvedic herbal remedies which will come into effect in April 2011. That’s 7 months from now! Ayurvedic remedies consist of nothing more than regular plants and herbs, which are often used in every day cooking. To ban it would be absolutely preposterous – surely that would mean a ban on Indian foods? Suffice to say, many delicacies of Indian cuisine stem from Ayurvedic herbs and plants.
Let’s investigate this further; Ayurveda seldom produces a negative reaction, and it most certainly isn’t the root cause of diseases. On the other hand, alcohol, cigarettes and meat are all known to cause death in one way, shape or form. Can the UK Government honestly justify banning Ayurvedic remedies, whilst allowing these death-inducing products to be readily available? This point was quite rightly made by HH Swami Ramdevji at a meeting held recently in London organised by Amarjeet S Bhamra of the Save Herbal Medicine National campaign.
Thankfully, a large number of established Ayurvedic practitioners and organisations have joined together to help stop this ban. You too can help by clicking HERE and downloading a letter that you can post to your Member of Parliament. Remember, it’s your freedom of choice to use Ayurveda – don’t let anyone stop you from receiving what is rightfully yours.

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